
Marcallo con Casone - Residenza Jacini

 A wonderfully charming residence of inestimable value, Villa Visconti-Maineri is an integral part of the history of the Marca di Lombardia and the Milan area.
The complex was apparently built by the Crivelli family, the origins of which date back to the fourth and fifth centuries, its family founder being Roggero I dei Sanbonifacio, and obtained noble status through the marriage of Pietro Visconti and Antiochia Crivelli. The family name probably derives from the Latin Cribellum, the diminutive of Cribum, meaning sieve, which would locate the family's roots in the time of the Roman Empire.
Their coat-of-arms includes a sieve, which also appears on the coats-of-arms of the towns of Marcallo con Casone and Bernate.
Around the middle of the nineteenth century, the villa became the residence of the family of Count Stefano Jacini, a senator of the Kingdom, Italian politician and member of one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Lower Lombardy.
Later, the villa became the summer residence of Countess Jacini Maineri.

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Residenza Jacini

Sales Office
mr.Luca Zinellu - Cell: 392.14.83.102.">
.">Visits by appointment
Location: Marcallo con Casone (Milano)
via Jacini angolo via Cascina Nuova.


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